Amana Group – Knit Item Manufacturer

1. Introduction: At Amana Group, we are committed to conducting our business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. This Compliance Policy outlines our dedication to compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. As a knit item manufacturer based in Bangladesh, we recognize the importance of responsible business practices and the impact they have on our employees, customers, and the community.

2. Legal Compliance: We are committed to complying with all local, national, and international laws and regulations that govern our business operations. This includes but is not limited to labor laws, environmental regulations, and any other laws relevant to our industry.

3. Ethical Conduct: We uphold ethical business practices, fostering a work environment built on trust, transparency, and fairness. We prohibit any form of corruption, bribery, or unethical behavior within our organization.

4. Labor Standards: Amana Group is dedicated to ensuring fair labor practices. We adhere to local labor laws and international standards, promoting a safe and healthy work environment for our employees. We respect the rights of workers, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

5. Environmental Responsibility: As a responsible knit item manufacturer, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact. Amana Group strives to comply with environmental laws and regulations, reduce waste, and promote sustainable practices throughout our supply chain.

6. Quality and Safety: We prioritize the production of high-quality knit items while maintaining strict safety standards. Our commitment to quality includes compliance with relevant safety regulations and standards to ensure the well-being of our employees and customers.

7. Supply Chain Responsibility: Amana Group values responsible sourcing and works towards ensuring that our entire supply chain aligns with our compliance standards. We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to ethical, legal, and sustainable business practices.

8. Training and Awareness: To uphold our compliance standards, we provide ongoing training and awareness programs for our employees. This ensures that everyone within the organization understands and follows the principles outlined in this policy.

9. Reporting and Accountability: Employees are encouraged to report any compliance concerns or violations without fear of retaliation. Amana Group maintains a confidential reporting system to address such matters promptly. Accountability for compliance rests with all levels of management.

10. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our compliance policies and procedures to reflect changes in laws, regulations, and industry standards. Amana Group embraces a culture of continuous improvement in all aspects of our business.

By adhering to this Compliance Policy, Amana Group strives to not only meet legal requirements but also exceed them, demonstrating our commitment to ethical business practices and responsible corporate citizenship.

Amana Group
